
What is a CRM Tool?

At its most basic, a customer relationship management (CRM) tool is any device, application, system, action, or strategy designed to help facilitate positive interaction between a business and its customers. Of course, having such a broad definition means that almost anything used in a business setting can be designated a CRM solution.

A filing cabinet gives representatives a place to store hard copies of personal data. A telephone assists agents in speaking directly with prospects and leads.

A handshake helps to show respect between individuals as they meet to discuss contract terms. According to the aforementioned definition, all of these are examples of CRM solutions. If, however, you want your business to really excel in a competitive market, you need a complete CRM solution.

Salesforce does more than just help you manage certain aspects of your customer relationships; it provides a unified, standalone platform through which your agents are able to hone the entire sales process and deliver a superior customer experience.